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Taranza Kirby Back at It Again

Taranza is a grapheme in the Kirby serial, debuting as the secondary antagonist of Kirby: Triple Deluxe, but would subsequently become an ally. He is a spider-like wizard and a former retainer of Queen Sectonia.


  • one Concrete Appearance
  • two Personality
  • 3 History
  • four Games
    • Kirby: Triple Palatial
      • Story
    • 4.two Team Kirby Disharmonism Palatial
      • iv.two.i Story
      • four.2.2 Boxing
    • iv.3 Kirby Boxing Royale
    • four.4 Kirby Star Allies
    • 4.5 Super Kirby Disharmonism
  • 5 Moveset
    • 5.1 Friend Abilities
  • 6 Abilities
  • 7 Etymology
  • 8 Music
  • nine Quotes
  • 10 Related Quotes
  • 11 In Other Languages
  • 12 Trivia
  • 13 Videos
  • 14 Artwork
    • fourteen.i Icons
  • 15 Gallery
  • 16 Sprites and Models
  • 17 References

Physical Appearance

Taranza is an androgynous, young, spider-similar creature. He has chocolate-brown skin and ii orange horns with dark-brown rings and yellowish tips, likewise as shiny, silvery, curvy hair; additionally, he has two orangish fangs protruding from his upper lip, which is lined in white. On the forepart of his head, Taranza has two orange-yellow optics in his hair and 2 white eyes with a slight purple glow on his face, along with iv more orangish-yellowish eyes on the dorsum of his head. He wears a crimson scarf and a jagged, dark dark-green cape with orange lining in a spider-web blueprint. The night greenish vesture on his body has two silvery buttons on its front and red circle designs on both sides. Taranza besides has a crimson stinger-like bagginess on his bottom and six disembodied hands with white and orange gloves.

In Team Kirby Disharmonism Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash, Taranza at present has a dark colour scheme. This is due to being corrupted by the black mirror and after by Parallel Nightmare, respectively. His greatcoat and clothing are now black. The spider-web pattern on his cape is at present hot pinkish, and his horns are purple with hot pink tips. He at present dons a regal scarf and white and hot pinkish gloves. The buttons on his clothing are now yellow, and the circle designs have changed to purple. Additionally, his fangs are now white, and the eyes in his hair and on the back of his caput are now yellowish. When the player has completed Squad Kirby Clash Palatial or defeated him in Super Kirby Clash, Taranza will revert dorsum to his original blueprint, though in the quondam, he retains the white fangs and yellow eyes.


Taranza is shown to be very resourceful and cunning, every bit he often uses his magic to turn objects into monsters, command other beings, or merely arouse them and pin the arraign on Kirby to stop him from getting in his way. Later on Queen Sectonia's demise, Taranza began to mourn her death and miss her, wanting her back, as shown in various Twitter fine art and games. However, he likewise happily reminisces of her, often seen holding a flower that resembles her concluding form and peacefully sniffing it and twirling its petals. His break screen description in Kirby Star Allies states that he is clumsy, but that he is likewise a bit of a smarty-pants, to the indicate of existence chosen a "bowl cut intellectual" by Zan Partizanne on the official Twitter.[1] He is too slightly snobby and pretentious, calling the greeting of the Jambastion Religion "ridiculous" in a Twitter post.[2]


Before the events of Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Taranza was the best friend and servant of Queen Sectonia, who was the ruler of a clan of insectoid beings that lived peacefully in Floralia along with the People of the Sky. Taranza and Sectonia were so shut, that Taranza even grew feelings for her, but never admitted them to her. Ane mean solar day, Taranza somehow managed to see the Dimension Mirror, and stole it from the Mirror World in order to give it to Sectonia as a tribute. Sectonia loved the gift, and gazed into it day later on day. However, unbeknownst to either of them, the Dimension Mirror's power was slowly twisting Sectonia'southward heed each time she looked into the mirror's surface. Her obsession with her ain beauty was amplified to a dangerous degree, and she became a tyrannical and power-hungry queen. Later using her magic to parasitize and possess many, alienating her servants, she somewhen settled on her current bee-like form. She then took over all of Floralia, ruling over it with an iron fist, in which the People of the Heaven suffered. Regardless, Taranza stuck with her through it all, leading to the events of Kirby: Triple Deluxe.


Kirby: Triple Deluxe


King Dedede's castle defenseless in the Dreamstalk.

The People of the Heaven, having suffered long enough under Sectonia'southward rule, devise a seed composed of their hopes and dreams, and ship it downward to the state below in hopes that information technology would bring the hero of the lower world to their rescue. Seeing this, Sectonia orders Taranza to capture the hero so that he would not interfere with her plans. The morning after the Dreamstalk lifts Kirby'due south house and Castle Dedede upwards into the sky, Taranza arrives to enact his part. Even so, he mistakes King Dedede for the hero and captures him instead, fleeing back up to Royal Road while the true hero, Kirby, gives hunt.

Throughout Kirby's journey through Floralia's six worlds, Taranza uses his spider web-similar magic and other means to create bosses to impede Kirby. He turns a flower into Flowery Woods, disturbs Paintra's painting and brings her to life, empowers Kracko to assail, brings a snake statue to life every bit Coily Rattler, and aggravates a sleeping Pyribbit with a rock while pinning the blame on Kirby. Kirby continuously defeats the bosses and pursues Taranza, intent on saving Rex Dedede.

Unbeknownst to Taranza, Kirby manages to save the People of the Sky from their cages at Majestic Route. With their assist, he so follows Taranza and King Dedede into a castle. Equally Kirby enters, he at last catches upward with Taranza, who notes his persistence. Taranza explains that he cannot allow Kirby to interfere with Queen Sectonia's plans, and correctly guesses that Kirby followed him in gild to rescue Dedede, who he still thinks is the hero. He then takes control of Dedede with his puppetry magic, turning him into Masked Dedede and forcing him to set on Kirby. Kirby defeats Male monarch Dedede, destroying his hammer and part of his mask in the procedure, but Taranza revitalizes him with a stronger dose of his magic, causing him to grab a halberd and go on a frenzy. However, Kirby prevails over again and destroys Dedede'due south mask, breaking Taranza's control.

Taranza approaches the unconscious Dedede, confused as to how he had lost, equally he followed his queen'due south orders. He and so realizes his mistake, and that Kirby was the true hero of Dream Land. Then, out of desperation, he speedily summons Queen Sectonia, begging for her to save him. Displeased with his failure and deeming him useless, Sectonia immediately blasts Taranza with a light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation, sending him flight out of the castle and into the altitude. Presumably during Kirby's subsequent battles with her, Taranza finally realizes that she has become a danger to those around her and is no longer her original cocky, and switches to Kirby's side.

Taranza holding a phenomenon fruit

Afterward Kirby defeats Sectonia, in her madness, she fuses with the Dreamstalk and ensnares the entirety of Planet Popstar and Floralia in her vines, seeking rulership of both. Kirby defeats her yet again, but he is caught off guard and ensnared by one of her vines. Before she can squeeze him to death, Taranza reappears to help. Carrying Dedede, he throws his former captive, who smacks Kirby free of the vine's grip. Telling Dedede to throw Kirby over to him, Taranza throws a Miracle Fruit, granting Kirby the Hypernova ability. Hypernova Kirby then takes on and defeats Sectonia for the concluding time by firing back her own laser and vaporizing her. Afterwards, the vines that had ensnared Planet Popstar and Floralia rapidly disintegrate, causing Kirby and Dedede to collapse from the sky. The People of the Sky catch Kirby and his house, while Taranza catches Dedede with minor struggle. Taranza, Kirby, Dedede, and the People of the Sky and so admire the fully-bloomed Dreamstalk as they head down to Dream Land.

It is non known whether Taranza returned to Floralia or stayed in Dream Land with King Dedede and Kirby, simply it can be causeless that he has the ability to travel between the two lands using the Dreamstalk.

In the non-canon True Arena, during the Soul of Sectonia fight, Taranza attempts to get her to regain her senses by calling out to aid, pleading to her, and proffering offerings. However, due to being nil but a husk of her former self in the throes of madness, she can no longer hear him, and his voice falls silent to her.

Team Kirby Clash Deluxe

Aeon Hero Artwork.png This section contains information that does not coincide with the principal serial catechism. (Similar)

Taranza appears in Squad Kirby Clash Deluxe as the primary antagonist. This game marks the showtime time he is fought directly, despite too having an combative role in Kirby: Triple Deluxe. He is simply ever fought as a Tough category Ordeal boss in the Empyrean.

Taranza's likeness is used for ane of the sets of Gear Doctor Healmore can obtain. Kirby tin purchase and use the Taranza Flask and Hataranza from the Shoppe.


In the afar by, in a faraway place called the Dream Kingdom, Taranza somehow obtains the blackness mirror in an attempt to use it to resurrect Sectonia later on her decease. However, he was unable to successfully command its powers, and as a consequence, its night magic corrupted him and made him lose his sanity.[3] Thus, he began invigorating monsters to attack the Dream Kingdom, resulting in the events of the game.

After Kirby and his team defeat a countless number of beasts, they hear rumors of a mage whose spells cause enemies to attack, and that the said mage lurked in the Empyrean. Squad Kirby heads at that place to investigate, while cleaning up more monsters forth the way. Eventually, they see Taranza, who attacks them. They defeat him, but enemies keep to crusade trouble, despite having seemingly dealt with the mastermind. Team Kirby sets out to defeat Landia EX, the latest threat, and peace is restored later on their victory, but not for long.

A few days afterwards, a dimensional rift opens unexpectedly, releasing Parallel Susie. Team Kirby conquers her and Parallel Landia, and learns that Taranza was the 1 who opened the rift. Hidden in apparent defeat, Taranza had continued pulling the strings and conjured a concluding plan. He summons the black mirror as his final weapon and gazes upon its surface, creating an embodiment of Taranza'south grief for Sectonia, Nighttime Taranza. Dark Taranza and Team Kirby practice battle, but the mage fails to prevail. As a last-ditch effort, Nighttime Taranza summons the black mirror besides, and draws from it the Rex of Darkness, King D-Mind. Still, instead of allying with Nighttime Taranza, Male monarch D-Mind bats him with his hammer, shattering him. The evil rex and Team Kirby fight not once, but twice, even so Team Kirby comes out on top both times. After their last battle, using their magic, Team Kirby seals King D-Mind into the blackness mirror and shatters it, trapping him in a far-off dimension.

With the blackness mirror shattered, Taranza is finally free of its corruption. After he comes to his senses, he becomes a passive member of the village, holding a flower in seeming acceptance of Sectonia's expiry. Peace returns to the Dream Kingdom at final, and Team Kirby vows to suppress any threats that should sally.


Taranza uses a diversity of magical attacks, including firing energy orbs, throwing a giant boisterous orb, firing jewels from the background, dashing across the screen in an energy chimera, and creating a big explosion around himself. He teleports oftentimes to dodge attacks and assault Team Kirby from different angles. Finally, Taranza uses energy nets to trap the Kirbys.  He flies into the background, throws the net, and whatever Kirbys hit past it volition be immobilized. To free the trapped Kirby, the others must assail the net until it breaks (or if the player is trapped, brew the +Control Pad). If not washed fast enough, the net will shrink effectually the trapped Kirby and then explode, dealing massive damage. If the internet is cleaved, yet, Taranza will exist launched onto the ground, temporarily stunned.

Taranza is not fought over again, but his blackness mirror counterpart, Dark Taranza, uses the aforementioned techniques. He is fought in the Decisive Battlefield.

Kirby Battle Royale

Taranza appears in the audition in the Coin Clash fashion in the Party Room stage. He tin can be seen at the top right.

Kirby Star Allies

Taranza appears equally a Dream Friend in Kirby Star Allies, looking to make a bid for the chantry in The Divine Terminus in club to accomplish out to a "bright light" which is implied to be Sectonia. It is also stated that he is in search of "a queen," which could be Sectonia, even though she perished afterwards being vaporized. This may imply that Taranza is unable to let go of Sectonia, and still believes that she is out there somewhere. However, information technology could likewise simply mean that he is searching for someone new to crown his "queen," as evidenced by one of his graphic symbol interactions on the title, file select, and menu screens. He uses abilities based on his Squad Kirby Clash Deluxe boss fight, likewise every bit new ones based on the Spider abilty.

Super Kirby Clash

Aeon Hero Artwork.png This section contains information that does not coincide with the main series catechism. (Similar)

Taranza returns in Super Kirby Clash equally a boss. Dissimilar in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, he does not accept as much of a major office in the story. He has the same moveset and palette as his boss fight in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe. Likewise, he is only ever fought in the Firmament. In Story Quests, he is fought every bit a Tough category Ordeal dominate. In Party Quests, he is fought as a Tougher category boss and a Super category dominate.

Squad Kirby had continuously chased Parallel Nightmare through rumors, which pb them to tracking him down in the Empyrean. There, they encounter a seemingly corrupted Taranza and mistake him for Parallel Nightmare earlier doing boxing with him. They defeat him, but soon notice that he's non the wizard they were hunting downwards. Taranza then regains his senses and becomes a resident of the Port Village. He tin exist seen sitting on top of the Shoppe, property the same flower he had in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe. Taranza also appears as a sticker, which tin can be purchased from the Shoppe for xx Gem Apples.

As in Squad Kirby Disharmonism Deluxe, Taranza gear for Doctor Healmore can be bought from the Shoppe.


Motility Controls Description Element Damage

Kirby Star Allies

Magic Cord Shot Press and release B Taranza shoots a web that encases enemies in pods. None 16
Taranza Web Hold Press and concur B, then motion the joystick Taranza creates a web net that tin can capture enemies and can exist freely controlled like ESP's PK Shift. None 32
Popular Off Release B during Web Concur Taranza dispels the net, scattering the held enemy/enemies. None 24 (explosion)
Darling Dreamstalk ↑ + B Taranza summons a miniature Dreamstalk. None 32
Taranza Burst ↓ + B Taranza channels free energy into a burst effectually him. None 32
Super Taranza Burst Hold ↓ + B then release Taranza channels energy into a bigger burst around him. None 96
Taranza Ball Press ↑ + B in air Taranza channels energy into a brawl that rebounds off walls. None 16 (ball), i (charging)
Super Taranza Ball Concur ↑ + B in air and then release Taranza channels energy into a bigger brawl that rebounds off walls. None 32
Web Sling Dash + B Taranza slings iii webs forrad that encase enemies in pods. None eighteen
Web Scatter Dash + B in midair Taranza scatters iii webs forwards that encase enemies in pods None 18
Queen's Phantom ↓ ↑ + B Taranza summons a dark construct of Queen Sectonia that performs her Electric Shock attack. Zap sixteen per hit
Pod Kicking When touching pod Kicks the pod away. None 48
Pod Snatch B when near a pod Grabs the pod to perform moves. None 16
Pod Slam Pod Snatch + B / Pod Snatch + → Slams the pod forward. None 48
Pod Slamabam Pod Snatch + ↑, ←, or ↓ Slams the pod forward and back before throwing it. None 48
Magic Guard L / R Taranza shields himself with energy. None 16

Friend Abilities

Friend Ability Controls Description Damage
Bouncy Spider web Taranza creates a heart-shaped web. 32
Friend Bounce Leap and touch Bouncy Web Taranza or whatsoever other Friend bounces off the web, dissentious opponents and gaining invincibility during the takeoff. 42


Taranza is shown to be a skilled wielder of magic. He can fire purple balls of energy, possess and strengthen other beings, and use a web-similar net of free energy to capture and carry others. When possessing King Dedede in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Taranza uses magical strings attached to Dedede'south limbs to control him like a puppet.

In Team Kirby Clash Deluxe, where he is fought directly, Taranza uses magic to fight, primarily in the grade of free energy orbs.  Aside from those attacks, he can surround himself in a damaging bulwark to ram into the Kirbys, trap them with an explosive energy net, or teleport rapidly effectually the screen.


Taranza'due south proper name is derived from tarantula, the family unit of arachnids that he is based on.[5]


Proper name Music Runway
"Taranza, Main of Puppetry"


" To retrieve that you've made it this far. Aren't you a persistent little affair? But fifty-fifty you will kneel before us. I, Taranza, cannot allow y'all to interfere with Queen Sectonia's plans. Permit me approximate: you're here to relieve the hero of the lower globe. The people of this land idea they were clever. They thought they could use the Dreamstalk to save their earth. But I saw right through their program. Well, since you lot're already here... I'll give you your precious hero back. But he may exist a little more than...hostile than you recall him! "
Taranza •Kirby: Triple Deluxe
" Wh-what is the meaning of this?! I did just equally Her Majesty commanded. The lower earth should autumn to its knees earlier me! Could...Could y'all be the true hero of the lower world? Curses! If that'south true... Majesty! Your Majesty Sectonia! Oh, glorious Sectonia! Please come to my resc-- Glaaaugh! Wh-why...? "
Taranza •Kirby: Triple Deluxe

" As Squad Kirby continues its treacherous climb, the puppeteer mage at terminal shows his face. With the creatures he controls, this powerful foe threatens the kingdom. You must defeat him! Go, Team Kirby! "
Quest Opening •Team Kirby Clash Palatial
" The magician reveals himself! Break his web of spells and restore peace! "
Quest Description •Squad Kirby Clash Deluxe
" A flask that resembles the puppeteer magician. It is said that his feelings never touched the queen he served. "
Weapon Description •Team Kirby Clash Deluxe
" Its appearance echoes a notable silver-haired henchman. The glasses add a touch on of intellectualism. "
Armor Clarification •Team Kirby Disharmonism Deluxe
" This clumsy smarty-pants stumbled his way hither from Kirby: Triple Deluxe! He'southward a lone insect on a journey in search of a queen, and he's one of your new Dream Friends! "
Flavor Text •Kirby Star Allies
" Hoping for a true miracle, the boy with silver hair from Kirby: Triple Palatial is making a bid for the chantry. Deep in his heart, he already knows the outcome. But if he could just accomplish that vivid low-cal... "
Guest Star Description •Kirby Star Allies
" This teleporting trickster volition try to misfile Team Kirby with its magic, but stay focused and y'all'll shell him! "
Quest Description (Tougher) •Super Kirby Disharmonism
" The decisive battle between the terminal form of the puppetmaster wizard and the heroes of Team Kirby! "
Quest Description (Super) •Super Kirby Clash

In Other Languages

Names, etymology and in other regions
Language Proper name Definition, etymology and notes
Japanese ć‚æćƒ©ćƒ³ć‚¶ Officially romanized as Taranza.
English Taranza
Traditional Chinese å””ē‹¼č›› Translates to Taranza.
Korean ķƒ€ėž€ģž Translates to Taranza.
Russian Š¢Š°Ń€Š°Š½Š·Š° Translates to Taranza.
German Taranza Same as English
Dutch Taranza Aforementioned as English language
French Taranza Same as English
Italian Taranza Same every bit English
Spanish TaraƱa Pun on the give-and-take "tarantula" and "araƱa" (spider)


  • Taranza, with his simple, floating trunk, dark brown skin, and limbless hands, somewhat resembles Magolor.
  • Interestingly, despite beingness a major antagonist, Taranza is never fought directly in Triple Palatial.
    • A painting of Magolor appears in the background of Stage three of Wild World, hanging near a painting of Taranza, possibly referencing their similarities.
  • Despite having speaking lines in Kirby: Triple Deluxe, Squad Kirby Clash Deluxe is the first time Taranza has been shown to be able to open his mouth.
    • Similarly, two pieces of artwork from the official Twitter are the first times Taranza has been seen to make other shapes with his rima oris rather than merely a smile. These aforementioned pieces of artwork characteristic Taranza with a frown.
  • Taranza's phonation, provided by Hirokazu Ando, was beginning heard in the downloadable Dedede's Drum Dash Palatial sub-game. It can exist heard when King Dedede hits a backbeat while wearing the Taranza mask. In a Miiverse post, director Shinya Kumazaki stated that the voice was "designed with the image of an androgynous young spider."[half dozen]
  • Taranza'south keychain, similar Magolor's, depicts his skin as blackness rather than brown.
  • When the Sectonia Clone in Kirby: Planet Robobot is defeated, the concluding entity which the shape-shifting liquid turns into before exploding is a beingness that resembles Taranza. The master differences betwixt this entity and Taranza are that the entity has longer hair, unlike horn shapes, and pronounced eyelashes. This shows that Taranza and Sectonia were once members of the same species, as stated on Miiverse.
  • Earlier Taranza throws his energy net during his battles in Squad Kirby Clash Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash, he will motility one paw around in a fashion that suggests he is deciding who to throw the internet at before launching it at the Kirby he ended up on.
  • Taranza'due south blitheness when he gets furious in Squad Kirby Disharmonism Deluxe and Super Kirby Clash is based on his blitheness afterward Masked Dedede'south Revenge has been defeated in Kirby: Triple Palatial.

Taranza and Sectonia'south Stone Transformation in Kirby Star Allies.

  • In Kirby Star Allies, Taranza is i of the transformations of the Stone Re-create Power, being part of a duo with Queen Sectonia'south original class and holding the same blossom he had in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe.
  • Taranza's intro menu in Guest Star ???? Star Allies Become! is based on the box art of Kirby: Triple Palatial, being identical apart from missing Kirby.
    • Taranza'due south intro carte du jour pose is based on the pose he makes in his intro for his battle in Team Kirby Clash Deluxe.
  • Taranza's quote on his Guest Star Pause Screen in Kirby Star Allies marks the first fourth dimension he has spoken in the games since Kirby: Triple Deluxe.
  • In Kirby Star Allies on the title, file select, and carte screens, Taranza can sometimes be seen conveying King Dedede with Kirby chasing later on him. This is a reference to the opening of Kirby: Triple Deluxe.
    • Taranza can also sometimes be seen paired with Kirby and King Dedede as they strike a pose, which is another reference to Kirby: Triple Palatial.
  • In Kirby Star Allies on the championship, file select, and menu screens, Taranza can sometimes be seen readying himself to talk to Adeleine, Ribbon, and Susie while they are talking with each other. Yet, before he gets a take chances, they run off in the reverse direction as Taranza then turns effectually and chases after them. This suggests that Taranza is trying to move on from Sectonia.
  • The boxing theme that plays during the fight with Taranza in Super Kirby Clash is a remix of "Revenge of the Enemy" from Kirby: Triple Deluxe, and the battle theme that plays during his Super category fight is a remix of the theme that plays while fighting Morpho Knight every bit Taranza in Kirby Star Allies.
  • Taranza's theme "Taranza, Master of Puppetry" is a heavily remixed version of King Dedede's theme.
  • Taranza is the only Wave iii Dream Friend who does non reference his debut game'southward gimmick with his motion gear up. Magolor references Super Abilities (Ultra Sword to be specific), Susie references the Robobot Armor & The Three Mage-Sisters references Friend Abilities (Friend Circle to be specific). Taranza, meanwhile, does not reference Hypernova at all, peradventure due to his inability to inhale objects similar Kirby.





Sprites and Models


  1. Kirby Twitter
  2. Kirby Twitter
  3. Nintendo Dream Baronial 2017 Interview
  4. Twitter mail
  5. Miiverse
  6. Miiverse
