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How to Get Rid of Stomach Hair Permanently

updated: 06/20/2019

Also known as bromhidrosis, body odor is common in people who have reached puberty since this is the time when the apocrine sweat glands grow, which my produce the sweat which bacteria could rapidly break down. In fact, this condition happens commonly in men than in women as they may sweat more than women. If you are among people with unpleasant body odor, you should not skip reading this article as it will reveal to you the best tips on how to get rid of body odor permanently that you can make use of without cost. Take a look below!

What Is Body Odor?

Body odor refers to an unpleasant smell coming from our body. Basically, our body odor is normal. Sweat itself is odorless to human beings. However, due to some reasons, it can produce unpleasant odor which makes our communication embarrassing. The quick multiplication of harmful bacteria with the availability of sweat and the breaking down of sweat into acids finally lead to an unpleasant smell. Body odor often turns into evident when people who reach puberty do not take any measures.

You will be most likely experience body odor in feet, armpits, genitals, groin, belly button, public and other hair, behind the ears, anus, and other skin areas.

Body odor might have a specific and pleasant smell to a certain person and could be used to identify individuals, particularly by animals like dog. The unique body odor of each person could be affected by gender, diet, health and even medication.

What Are The Causes Of Body Odor?

Apparently, there are some reasons why we suffer from body odor. Actually, it is an excessive activity of sweat that causes body odor. When there is too much sweat coming from your body, they will combine with bacteria. As a result, the body produces an unpleasant smell. In fact, most body odor comes from apocrine glands which could be found in the breasts, eyelids, genital area, ear and armpits. Most of the apocrine glands in skin are situated in the armpits, groin, and around nipples. These glands are responsible for the odor of our bodies since the sweat they create is plentiful in protein, which the bacteria may break down very easily.

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Other factors contributing to body odor are poor hygiene habit, lack of nutrients, suffering from gastrointestinal issues, such as constipation as well as suffering from some health issues, such as liver problems, diabetes, etc.

What Are Symptoms Of Body Odor?

Some of the common symptoms of body odor that you can experience are as below.

  • There is unusual smell coming from your body.
  • There is too much sweat produced.
  • You suffer from weight loss.
  • You often sweat every night.
  • Your hands are cold.
When To See Your Doctor?

You had better visit your doctor if:

  • There is a change in your body odor.
  • Your body odor or sweating makes your stress.
  • You suddenly begin to sweat more than normal.

Body odor sometimes makes you unconfident in front of other people. You can be so embarrassed when letting somebody smell your body odor. However, do not worry since there are always effective tips on how to get rid of body odor permanently that do not cost you much. That is the reason why we penned the article "20 Natural Tips On How To Get Rid Of Body Odor Permanently". We are sure that you can find some effective ways of using natural ingredients for combating against your body odor. Please read through our article below. Take a look at However, if you see no improvement, it is time for you to go to see your doctor.

Top 20 Effective Tips On How To Get Rid Of Body Odor Permanently

1. Baking Soda

Baking soda is one of the best and top tips on how to get rid of body odor that you had better try. Baking soda is a home ingredient for cleaning. Firstly, it is clear that bacteria love moisture. Therefore, the wet environment is an ideal home for them. So, by keeping your body dry, you can inhibit growth of bacteria. Actually, baking soda is good at absorbing moisture from your skin. Furthermore, it is effective in eliminating bacteria, preventing the body from arising odor. In addition, acting as a good deodorant, you can reduce your body odor significantly [1].

You can use baking soda in different ways to control your body odor:

Method 1:

  • Pour a tablespoon of baking soda in a bowl.
  • Take a fresh lemon.
  • Squeeze it to get its juice.
  • Pour a tablespoon of lemon juice in the bowl.
  • Mix them well.
  • Now, use a clean cotton cloth to apply the mixture to your body parts.
  • Let it sit on for several minutes.
  • Then, use clean water to rinse it off.
  • Have a bath.
  • Apply the process once every day for several weeks.

Method 2:

  • Prepare a tablespoon of baking soda powder.
  • Put the powder in a bowl.
  • Add the same amount of cornstarch in the bowl.
  • Mix them well.
  • Apply the mixture to your underarms and other parts of your body.
  • Allow the mixture to remain on for 5 minutes.
  • Wash it off with clean water or take a bath.
  • Do the remedy once for a few weeks.
2. Apple Cider Vinegar

apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is the next natural ingredient that helps you keep your body odor at bay. Apple cider vinegar is well-known for its strong ability to combat against bacteria. Therefore, your body odor can be reduced through making your skin's pH level balanced [2]. It is the alkaline component and acidic property in apple cider vinegar that prevents bacteria from developing and surviving. This is also one of the most common ingredients for treating a number of health problems.

Here is what you can do to use apple cider vinegar for reducing your body odor:

Method 1:

  • Take a small amount of apple cider vinegar.
  • Pour them in a cup.
  • Dip a clean cotton ball in the vinegar.
  • Now, apply it to your body parts.
  • Let the vinegar stay on for several minutes.
  • Have a bath.
  • Do the repetition 2 times every day.

Method 2:

  • Take a cup of apple cider vinegar.
  • Pour the vinegar in a bathtub filled with warm water.
  • Stir them well.
  • Soak yourselves in the mixture for 15 minutes.
  • Do the process once every day.

Method 3:

  • Prepare 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.
  • Pour the vinegar in a bowl.
  • Add the same amount of raw honey to the bowl.
  • Lastly, pour in the bowl with some lukewarm water.
  • Mix the well.
  • Consume the mixture thrice every day when your stomach is empty.
3. Lemon Juice

Belonging one of the citric fruits, lemon juice has been used for treating a number of health problems as well as skin issues. More specifically, lemon juice is also regarded as one of the best tips on how to get rid of body odor permanently. It has been commonly used for reducing body odor owing to its acidic power that contributes to decreasing your skin's pH level. As a result, bacteria on your skin find it difficult to grow [3].

There are several ways of using lemon juice that you can follow to keep body odor away:

Method 1:

  • Take a fresh lemon.
  • Cut it into halves.
  • Take a half of them.
  • Apply it over your body parts, especially underarms.
  • Let it dry naturally.
  • Take a shower to rinse it off.
  • Do the remedy once every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare a fresh lemon.
  • Use a knife to cut it into halves.
  • Squeeze the juice of one half.
  • Pour the juice in a bowl.
  • Pour in the bowl with ½ cup of water.
  • Dip a clean cotton ball in the mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to your body parts.
  • Let it sit on for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with clean water.
  • Do the process once every day.
4. Rosemary

You can use rosemary for controlling your body odor effectively. Rosemary is useful for preventing bacteria from growing. Additionally, thanks to its chlorophyll and menthol, it brings its natural deodorant power which works well to control your body odor as well as equip your body with pleasant fragrance. Another benefit of rosemary that you can enjoy is that rosemary contains zinc. If your body lacks of this mineral, body odor can happen.

The steps you need to do to use rosemary are very simple:

Method 1:

  • Take ½ cup of rosemary leaves which are dried.
  • Put them in a bowl.
  • Pour in the bowl with 4 cups of boiling water.
  • Let the mixture steep for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture.
  • Pour the liquid in a bathtub filled with water.
  • Soak yourselves in the water for half an hour.
  • Dry your body with a clean cloth.
  • Do the repetition once every day.

Method 2:

  • Pour several drops of rosemary essential oil in a bowl.
  • Pour in the bowl with several cups of water.
  • Mix them well.
  • Dip a clean cotton ball in the mixture.
  • Apply the mixture to your underarms.
  • Do the process once every day.

Note: Stop using it if there is any irritation.

5. Sage

Sage is listed as among effective and natural tips on how to get rid of body odor that you should try. This ingredient works well to eliminate your body odor. In specifically, it can decrease activity of sweat gland as well as inhibit bacteria from growing. As a result, your body odor can be reduced quickly. Additionally, sage is also good for combating against some health issues, such as inflammation, skin problems, strengthening immune system, etc.

We will suggest you some of the simple ways of using sage for combating against your body odor:

Method 1:

  • Pour several drops of sage essential oil in a bowl.
  • Also add the same amount of lavender essential and coriander essential oil in.
  • Then, add a sufficient amount of witch hazel which is distilled.
  • Mix all ingredients well.
  • Pour the mixture in a spraying bottle.
  • Spray the mixture to your body several times every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare 2 tablespoons of sage which is dried.
  • Put them in a bowl.
  • Pour in the bowl with several cups of boiling water.
  • Let it steep for 15 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Wash your arms and other body parts with the mixture.
  • Do the repetition 2 times every day.

Method 3:

  • Take a teaspoon of dried sage.
  • Put them in a bowl.
  • Add a cup of boiling water to it.
  • Mix them well.
  • Allow it steep for 15 minutes.
  • Then, strain the liquid.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Drink the mixture once every day.

Note: This remedy is not advisable for pregnant women or the breast breeding women.

6. Witch Hazel

Witch Hazel is also good at reducing your body odor. As mentioned above, body odor is due to over-active bacteria gland which can cause your body unpleasant smell. The higher pH level your body is, the more bacteria your body can suffer from. This ingredient can reduce your skin's pH level. It is also an excellent agent for preventing bacteria from growing. In addition, it is its astringent property that narrows your skin pores, decreasing excessive sweat production [4].

Here is all what you need to do:

  • Pour a small amount of witch hazel in a cup.
  • Dip a clean cotton ball in the cup.
  • Apply witch hazel to your underarms as well as other parts of your body.
  • Do this process when necessary.
7. Tea Tree Oil

tea tree oil

Tea tree oil  is one of the natural oils that you can utilize to reduce your body odor effectively. Owning its antibacterial power as well as antiseptic ability, this oil is so useful for eliminating bacteria on your skin. Your body odor is decreased, accordingly. In addition, acting as good astringent, tea tree oil is so wonderful for reducing sweat on your body from producing excessively.

Here is the simple instruction for you:

  • Pour several drops of tea tree oil in a cup.
  • Add 2 tablespoons of clean water to the cup.
  • Mix them well.
  • Pour the mixture in a spraying bottle.
  • Spray the mixture to your body several times throughout the day.

Note: The tea tree oil is not recommended for the persons having sensitive skin.

8. Turnips

To know how to get rid of body odor permanently, consider using turnips. Turnips are the vegetables containing a strong antibacterial power. They are among the root vegetables which bring a number of medicinal benefits to us. They can kill bacteria which causes body odor effectively. Furthermore, they are full of vitamin C as well as necessary nutrients which are necessary for reducing body odor. Besides their benefits to decreasing body odor, turnips are the good answer to some health problems, namely inflammation, digestive disorder, etc.

Here is a suggestion on how to utilize turnips for combating against body odor:

Method 1:

  • Take several turnips.
  • Put them in a basin of water to wash it thoroughly.
  • Then, cup them into thin slices.
  • Now, blend them by a blender.
  • Pour the paste in a mesh strainer which is put over a bowl.
  • Take a spoon to extract their juice.
  • Dip a clean cotton ball in the juice.
  • Apply the juice to your arms and the parts producing much sweat.
  • Let the juice cool down naturally.
  • Use warm water to wash it off.
  • Do the process every morning.

Method 2:

  • Prepare your daily meals with turnips.
9. Tomatoes

Women around the world often use tomatoes for masking their face skin. Equipped with powerful antiseptic property, tomatoes are excellent at killing bacteria which is one of the main causes for body odor. Plus, tomatoes are good at narrowing skin pores, contributing to decreasing sweat production. Additionally, being rich in a number of nutrients, such as vitamin A, vitamin D, protein, fiber, essential minerals, etc. tomatoes are very good for our health. It is advised that tomatoes should be included in daily meal. Some of health benefits of tomatoes are preventing you from diabetes, high blood pressure, infection in urinary tract, digestive problems, etc.

You can apply one of the following ways of using tomatoes for eliminating body odor:

Method 1:

  • Take 7 fresh tomatoes.
  • Wash them thoroughly with water.
  • Cut them into small pieces.
  • Put the pieces in a blender.
  • Turn on the blender to form a paste.
  • Put a mesh strainer over a bowl.
  • Press the paste to get their juice.
  • Pour in the bowl with a sufficient amount of water.
  • Mix them well.
  • Pour the mixture in a bathtub.
  • Do the process once every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare some fresh tomatoes.
  • Wash them carefully by pouring them in a basin of water.
  • Cut them into small pieces.
  • Blend them with a blender.
  • Then, pour the paste over a mesh strainer.
  • Extract the juice.
  • Pour the juice in a bowl.
  • Add some water to the bowl.
  • Stir them well.
  • Consume the mixture 2 times every day.
10. Wheatgrass

Wheatgrass is worth mentioning in this list of tips on how to get rid of body odor that permanently. As we all know, wheatgrass is full of chlorophyll which brings it the power of deodorizing. In addition, wheatgrass can help to remove toxic things out of your body. Furthermore, wheatgrass is full of antioxidants as well as vitamin A, vitamin C and E. Therefore, it is not only a key to your body odor but also very good for your health.

You can follow the following instruction to remove your body odor:

  • Prepare a sufficient amount of wheatgrass.
  • Pour them in a basin of water.
  • Wash them carefully.
  • Chop them into small pieces.
  • Then, put them in a blender.
  • Add some water to it.
  • Turn on the blender.
  • Pour the paste over a mesh strainer over a bowl.
  • Press the paste to extract the juice.
  • Pour 2 tablespoons of the juice in a glass.
  • Pour in the glass with a cup of fresh water.
  • Shake the mixture well.
  • Consume the mixture every day when your stomach is empty.
11. Peppermint Oil

Peppermint is found in some toothpaste for removing mouth odor or bad breath. Therefore, this oil is regarded as one of the natural oils combating against body odor quickly. Peppermint oil is well-known for its great antibacterial power. As a result, it can inhibit bacteria from over-acting which leads to body odor.

Here is what you need to do to use peppermint oil for eliminating this problem:

Method 1:

  • Take some peppermint oil.
  • Pour the oil in a cup.
  • Dip a clean cotton ball in the oil.
  • Directly apply the oil to your underarms and other body parts.
  • Do the process once every morning.

Method 2:

  • Pour 2 teaspoons of peppermint oil in a bowl.
  • Add a sufficient amount of water.
  • Mix them well.
  • Then, pour the mixture in a clean spraying bottle.
  • Spray the mixture to your arms several times every day.

Method 3:

  • Pour 10 drops of peppermint oil in a bowl.
  • Add about 4 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • Also pour the same amount of cornstarch in.
  • Add the equivalent amount of baking soda powder to.
  • Mix with some water.
  • Stir them well.
  • Put the mixture in a fridge.
  • Apply the mixture to your underarms when necessary.
12. Fenugreek Seeds

Fenugreek seeds are regarded the seeds which are effective in reducing body odor that you can apply. Being full of antioxidant, fenugreek seeds can help to remove toxics things out of your body. In addition, owning its strong ability to combat against bacteria, these seeds can prevent bacteria from surviving. As a result, your body odor can be reduced significantly [5].

Here is an easy way to use fenugreek seeds to eliminate your body odor:

  • Firstly, take a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds.
  • Put them in a pot.
  • Add ¼ liter of clean water.
  • Turn on the heat.
  • Then, turn down the heat to simmer the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat when the mixture is half left.
  • Consume the mixture once every morning when your stomach is empty.
13. Fennel Seeds

fennel seeds

Similar to fenugreek seeds, fennel seeds can bring the same benefits in treating body odor. Furthermore, the seeds contain some special components which act as stimulant agents. They can play the role of a good laxative, contributing to eliminating your body odor.

The steps you need to do to prepare fennel seeds to combat against body odor are described below:

  • Take a teaspoon of fennel seeds which are crushed.
  • Put them in a pot.
  • Pour in the pot with a cup of clean water.
  • Turn on the flame.
  • Boil the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Strain the mixture.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Pour some drops of raw honey to the liquid.
  • Enjoy the liquid once every morning when your stomach is empty.
14. Green Tea

Green tea is also considered one of powerful tips on how to get rid of body odor that you should not neglect. Thanks to its tannic acid, green tea is useful for fighting your body odor in a short time. Furthermore, it is full of antioxidants and acts as a good protector for preventing bacteria from developing on your skin. In addition, toxic things in your body can be flushed out in an effective way.

Below is several ways of using green tea for combating against your body odor:

Method 1:

  • Take some fresh green tea leaves.
  • Wash them thoroughly in a basin of water.
  • Then, put them in a pot.
  • Add a sufficient amount of water to the pot.
  • Turn on the heat.
  • Boil the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Then, strain the mixture.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Then, use the mixture to wash your underarms.
  • Do this remedy once every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare a bag of green tea.
  • Put it in a glass.
  • Then, pour in the glass with some boiling water.
  • Allow the bag to steep for 15 minutes.
  • Remove the bag.
  • Let it cool down at room temperature.
  • Pour the tea in a bathtub filled with water.
  • Soak yourselves in the water.
  • Do the process once every day.

Method 3:

  • Take some fresh green tea leaves.
  • Wash them carefully.
  • Put them in a pot.
  • Pour in the pot with some water.
  • Then, turn on the heat.
  • Boil the mixture for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the flame.
  • Let the mixture steep for 10 more minutes.
  • Strain the tea.
  • Let it cool down naturally.
  • Enjoy the tea once every day when your stomach is empty.
15. Rose Water

Not only is rose water a good ingredient in your skincare regime but it is also a good solution to relieve your body odor. More specifically, acting as a natural astringent, this water helps to narrow down your skin pores, reducing production of sweat on the body, accordingly. Furthermore, it also brings to you a natural fragrance of rose. Some people mix rose water with tea tree oil for added benefits, but you can still use it only for a floral fragrance [6].

It is very easy to prepare a natural medicine for eliminating your body odor:

  • Firstly, pour 3 tablespoons of rose water in a pot.
  • Pour a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the pot.
  • Mix them well.
  • Pour the mixture in a spraying bottle.
  • Spray the mixture to your underarms and other parts of your body through the day.
  • Do the spraying several times every day.
16. Neem Leaves

Neem leaves are also good at eliminating this body issue. Containing its strong power to fight bacteria and fungi, these leaves can control and prevent growth of bacteria. Plus, it can help to flush out toxins out of your body, thereby eliminating the underlying causes of body odor [7].

Here is all what you need to do:

Method 1:

  • Take some fresh neem leaves.
  • Put them in a large basin to wash them thoroughly.
  • Then put them in a grinder.
  • Grind them to form a paste.
  • Now, put the paste on your underarms.
  • Let it dry naturally.
  • Use some warm water to rinse it off.
  • Do the process once every day.

Method 2:

  • Prepare some fresh neem leaves.
  • Wash them carefully with clean water.
  • Put them in a pot.
  • Pour in the pot with some water.
  • Then, boil the mixture for several minutes.
  • Let the mixture steep for 10 minutes.
  • Now, strain the mixture.
  • Let the mixture cool down naturally.
  • Pour the mixture in your bathtub.
  • Soak yourselves in the mixture.
  • Do the repetition once every day.
17. Use An Acne Wash

You can use antibacterial soaps which are particularly made for acne to kill off bacteria that cause body odor instead of making it. Consider using benzoyl peroxide wash to kill the bacteria in your underarms.

18. Milk Of Magnesia

Actually, milk of magnesia is magnesium hydroxide that is suspended in water. This substance is an antacid known to counteract the acid production, thereby helping ward off body odor [8]. Interestingly, milk of magnesia can leave your skin odor-free and dry right after the initial application.

Take the following steps:

  • Apply some milk of magnesium on your sweaty areas like underarms
  • Alternatively, mix it with some drops of your favorite essential oil, put it in a bottle and use it to spray onto skin if needed.
  • Repeat this routine once per day, either in the morning or at night
19. Arrowroot

This herb is a lesser-known tip on how to get rid of body odor. However, its effectiveness will surprise you. The anti-inflammatory effects of arrowroot make it a great solution for skin issues like rashes in babies [9]. By keeping the skin dry, it keeps the formation of bacteria at bay. As a result, you will not have body odor if using this herb.

20. Parsley

The leaves of parsley are proven to have anti-odor effects for a long time. Due to the availability of chlorophyll in parsley leaves, this herb can eradicate body odor as well as bad breath from inside out [10].

Do the following guidelines:

  • Put 1 teaspoon of parsley leaves in a cup of plain water
  • Boil the mixture for 5 minutes and strain the tea
  • Drink the water regularly to obtain best results

How To Get Rid Of Body Odor – Prevention Tips

Along with applying some tips on how to get rid of body odor above, you should follow some tips here to control your sweat, reducing your body odor effectively.

  • Use a deodorant which is free of aluminum.
  • Gently rub a small amount of vinegar or alcohol to your parts where sweat comes most.
  • Intake some green supplements, including wheatgrass every day.
  • Try to wear cotton clothes to reduce your body odor.
  • Include fenugreek seeds as well as drink tea made from green tea to flush out toxics out of your body.
  • Take a bath at least 2 times every day.
  • Avoid foods that increase body odors. Such foods will be broken down into compounds circulating in the bloodstream and slowly making their own way to your skin pores in which they escape via the sweat, urine or breath. Thus, you had better avoid processed foods such as commercial dairy, fried foods, and refine sugar. Other healthy foods which may trigger body odor include onions, garlic, curry, strong spices, beans and sulfur-suppliers like Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and cabbage. Sometimes, eggs and meat can also lead to body odor if you cannot completely digest them. Spicy foods such as spices or hot peppers might increase your chances of sweating, so odors may get out.
  • Clean thoroughly your clothes. Sweaty, damp clothes are likely to smell; therefore, you had better wash your clothes carefully with antibacterial laundry soap. Besides, frequently wash your shoe insoles, socks, undergarments, bras and other types of clothing.
  • Manage stress. Oftentimes, stress is the culprit causing you to smell. Stress makes people sweat. Especially, this type of sweat is often low in water and high in fat molecules and protein. Unfortunately, the bacteria thrive on this sweat, provoking your smell after a stressful day.

So, now you are equipped with the useful information about body odor, including the home remedies for treating the annoying symptoms of body odor you are suffering. Now, it is time for you to choose suitable home remedies for solving and preventing your body odor in our article. Because of their simplicity, you can completely apply them at home for saving yourselves from this problem. If there are any concerns about the remedies mentioned in our article of "20 Natural Tips On How To Get Rid Of Body Odor Permanently" presented in How To Category. Your comments and ideas are highly appreciated. We will try to give the feedback to you as soon as possible.

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